It is sometime around 6 in the evening. I have just got up from my afty-evening nap. I take a look around and go down again. A few minutes later there is a knock on the door. I get up, open the door to see Prof. Vishu standing there with a TA. I shake my head and then realise that it's not him.
It's one of my friends from school and his dad. I am a bit surprised but I ask them to come in. Just then I see two glass tumblers soaked in dust, lying on the lower level of the table. ( In reality, I haven't used any of those in the hostel). I pick them, get up to go and wash them so that my guests can have water, but he stops me. Instead he picks up my glass kept on the table, takes a hard critical look at it and then puts it to use. Uncle does not seem to be interested in having water.
We have some chat for a while and the clock ticks to 7:30. So dinner comes into the picture. They decide to have it in the hostel mess itself although I have already informed them of the possible consequences. I lock my room and we go down.
The scene downstairs is a mirage of sorts. The entire dining system has been changed. Instead of the usual stuff, it is more like a buffet system with lots of dishes to choose from. Can this be true? I got confused as to whether I was dreaming in that dream. Maybe I was.
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